
Real Men Don't Rape

It has recently been brought to my attention that this exists:

Seriously. Yes.

This is a protest against rape culture and victim-blaming. And I am behind it 100%. It started in Toronto in 2011, where a cop publicly said that women should avoid 'dressing like sluts' so that they wouldn't get raped. Naturally, this caused an uproar, and thus, SlutWalk was born. Heather Jarvis of Toronto started the movement in order to reclaim the word 'slut' and show the world that women (and men) should be able to dress however they want without fear of being raped.


I've never really been one to get involved in stuff like this. I read a lot about protests and causes, and while the causes may be good I find a lot of protests and events like this come across the wrong way. This one, however, is extremely eloquent, and to the point. Also the name SlutWalk has caused such a stir and has gotten so many people talking about it, it's the perfect setup. Since 2011, SlutWalks have been held all over the world, from 40 cities in Brazil, to India, even Jerusalem.

Her banner says "My dress code is none of your business"
Since I've joined the SlutWalk Guelph group on facebook, I've learned about so many cases involving rape where the victims get blamed and the rapists don't get a single day of jail time. The most famous at the moment is the Steubenville case, or closer to home, the Reteah Parsons case, in which a girl was gang raped and then harassed so much by the entire town that she killed herself. What the fuck kind of culture are we that we not only ignore the fact that a young girl was assaulted, but harass her so much that she couldn't even bear to live anymore? Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a human being.

Really, really ashamed to be the same species as this guy.
I followed both of these cases in the news, but didn't realize how many more there are just like it. I've done some digging in the past few days, and come up with tons of horrible events. Men and women, of any age, race, religious stature, being assaulted and then shamed for it. What's worse, there's always the ever present "she was asking for it" because of what she was wearing/drinking/looking at/doing/standing/bending. What the fuck ever. Our society is so bent on teaching women how to avoid being raped. Don't leave your drink unattended, don't wear revealing clothes, don't walk home alone in the dark. These things have become so engrained in our heads that we do it without even thinking, you know, safety first. But it's sad that we have to do those things. It's sad that women are taught how to try to protect themselves, and men aren't taught not to rape us.

Now, I am in no way suggesting that all men are rapists. There are men behind this cause that have either been assaulted, or are just as offended by rape culture as women. They're pissed off because society is claiming that men 'just can't help themselves' if a woman dresses or acts a certain way. Seriously? You have absolutely no control over your dick? I know many men in my life that can keep themselves from raping nearby women they're attracted to. It's called self control, common sense, and not being a fucking sociopath. Another theory is that men still view women solely as pleasure objects. If you want an object to stick your dock in, get a fucking fleshlight.

The main point here is that we, as women, should be able to wear and act however we want, and not get raped for it. Lawyers love to bring up victims' sexual history in rape cases, and it always counts against them. "Well, she was a slut, she wanted it." In my experience, sluts are women that enjoy lots of sex with many partners. This sex, however, is consensual. Just like guys go to the bar to pick up a girl, I don't see why girls aren't allowed to go out and pick up a guy. A guy that they say 'yes' to. Women should be able to enjoy sex too. And just because we enjoy sex doesn't mean we want to get raped. It's acceptable for men to like sex, so does that mean they should like being violated sexually? Doesn't make any sense, does it?

A huge phrase to fight rape culture for the past many years is 'no means no'. I disagree with this, because in so many cases, the woman is unconscious or too drugged to say no, and then the rapist's response is 'well, she didn't say no'. This should be changed to 'yes means yes'. If you proposition a woman, or touch her, or hit on her, and you don't hear a yes, don't have sex with her. Very simple. This is what these cases need, instead of wondering whether or not the victim is a slut, what she was doing, and whether or not she said no, the only question should be "Did she say yes?".

Needless to say, I'm going to the Guelph SlutWalk on Sunday. It's at 1pm downtown Guelph, and I urge anyone that can make it to go. This is an excellent cause, and it's raising awareness in an extremely effective way. Whether woman or man, slut or not, assault victim or a supporter of human rights, everyone is welcome. If you don't have a ride, talk to me, and I can help you figure something out. And if you're not near Guelph, check out this website to find out where there are SlutWalks in your area. Pass it around, promote it, and help raise awareness.

The more people like us, with common sense, that understand that people are people and not toys, need to speak up and unite. If only one person takes a step back and rethinks their casual attitude towards rape, then this protest is worth it.


The Boss Review - Up To Chapter 10

First off, Jenny Trout is my hero. She's been recapping 50 Shades of Grey, doing a Big Damn Buffy Rewatch (which she rips apart even though it's her favourite show), being hilarious, writing novels, making nerdy videos (personal favourite: Drunk of Thrones), and uploading The Boss, a serial novel that I am absolutely addicted to.

The Boss is now officially completed, and she's updated the frequency of the chapters to one a week, on Fridays. This is wonderful news, even though it's still difficult to wait with bated breath and clenched thighs for each instalment.

Yes, ladies (and gents, if you happen to be curious), Sophie Scaife is now totally having sex with Neil, and it's super hot. Like melting your girly bits hot. It's so well written, realistic, and gets you intimately caught in the moment. I wouldn't recommend reading The Boss if you can't have sex (with yourself or someone else) immediately afterwards. Or during. Because you're totally going to want to.

Before I get into the meat (tee hee) of the review, let me just say with absolute certainty: This book is what Fifty Shades should have been. This is exactly what I wanted when I picked up Fifty Shades, and I was sorely disappointed. The Boss almost makes me believe that there is a god, a god that is saying 'Oh damn, my bad, sorry about E.L. James!' and then brings Abigail Barnette into existence to shine the light of proper beautiful moisture-inducing erotica.


I reviewed chapter 1 here, and chapter 2 here, in case you missed those. Now, I'm probably going to say a lot of stuff that might spoil some of the plot. So if you'd like to just take my word for it that this is the sexiest thing ever and you'd rather read this review once you're caught up, click here to read it. Right fucking now. :)

Back? Okay, here goes.

In chapter three, we see Sophie having a backbone, which is nice. She's all ready to face the day, even though she's pretty sure that she's not going to have a job, but she wants to be gracious and ready for it. Also, Holli refers to weed as 'Mr. Cheeba' and it made me laugh so fucking hard. Neil and Sophie have lunch to discuss the fact that they have had a past, and what to do about her job. I find Neil extremely likeable here, as he addresses and genuinely apologizes for his wrongs, and is very up front and to the point about his feelings and what he wants to offer Sophie at the company. He asks for her opinion and and considers her feelings, and even though at first she's not exactly fair to him (though she realizes it and adjusts her attitude, good girl!) it's a great scene between the two.

They also talk about their 'relationship', in which Sophie reacts to in such a believable way that my heart twists reading the scene. She feels like she has feelings for him, even though she barely knows him, and admits to herself that she has feelings for the 'idea' of him, because she's built him up so much in her mind all this time. I love that she can have irrational feelings but keep them in check at the same time. It's something that real women do all the time. (I'm not sure if dudes do this too, but they likely do.) In the heat of the moment, Sophie propositions Neil for a casual relationship, which she instantly innately panics about, and I love the narration here. There's a very entertaining reveal and the chapter ends on a bit of a cliffhanger.

In chapter four, when Sophie gets home from work, she's all jazzed to tell Holli about her day with Neil, but Holli is having an emotional crisis. Sophie, being the awesome friend she is, completely pushes away her own shit to help her friend. Which, to make her feel better, they get stoned and watch Norbit. Awesome friend. :) Of course, Holli berates herself for forgetting to ask Sophie about her day, and gives her some great feedback and advice on her thoughts.

Later, Neil calls to ask Sophie if he can come by to talk, and she does a hilarious panicky tidy-herself-and-the-apartment in the twenty minutes before he arrives. Yes, chicks totally do that. She describes his voice as "like whiskey, deep and comforting, warming my limbs and dizzying my head". Delicious. At the end of this chapter, the tension hits a peak and you want to smash your computer monitor. But don't, because you don't have to wait fifteen days for chapter 5 like I did. ^_^'

In chapter five, Sophie and Neil decide to have a no-strings sex relationship, but he's drunk and she doesn't think (even though she's completely ready to jump him) that she should have sex with him until they can talk sober. This shows some more backbone on her part. They're both open and honest with each other, and she takes the initiative to tell him that their relationship isn't going to start that night.

To which Neil says "what's another twenty-four hours?" in his sexy Giles voice and I'm jumping for joy because they're finally going to have sex.

Chapter six is one of the hottest sex scenes I've ever read in my entire life. And I've read a lot of erotica. If you're just here for sexy times, read chapter six. It's beautifully written, you can picture every detail in glorious HD, and Sophie's inner monologue is priceless. Also the playful way they interact afterwards is so refreshing, the chemistry is so there, and I found myself giddy with glee at the budding romance.

Chapter seven is one of my favourites so far, in which we find out that Neil has a kinky dominant side. He lays it all out for her very simply, and makes sure that she's comfortable with it. Then they play a little 'game', and the heat is on once again. The next day, Holli wakes Sophie up for the gym and they hash out all the details of Sophie's night, which is a fun scene. :) Also Sophie's all deliciously sore from the hot sex the night before. When she gets to work, her and Neil interview a woman (Deja) that will potentially replace Sophie, and she has nothing but nice things to think about her. Sophie even comments to herself about how if life were a competition, she should hate Deja. But she's so perfect and awesome that Sophie flat out tells Neil that Deja should get the job. Yay, secure and confident women!

Oh, and Neil makes Sophie take off her panties for the rest of the day.

In chapter eight, Neil feeds Sophie her lunch while she sits spread legged up on his desk. Then he gives her kinky books for the weekend and a bag of vibrators. "...there is naughty stuff to put on your junk to make it tingle." Seriously, Jenny, the love I have for you.

Sophie is a little down on herself because she thinks that Neil just gave her the other job because they are sleeping together, but Holli comforts her, and tells her that even if she feels that way, she knows that she can do the job really well, so to just do it and prove to herself that she earned it. I love this. Sophie is human, and everyone gets down on themselves from time to time, and it's perfectly believable that she would feel that way in this situation. And Holli's advice is perfect, rational, and rounded out with a hug that makes her friend feel better. Yay, proper female relationships!

Sophie does a lot of self-sexing at home for the weekend, and a few naughty things that are sure to stir up some fun with Neil next week. ;) Also they talk about being safe, so a yay for responsible sexing!

In chapter 9, Sophie starts training Deja to take her job, and she's so great about it that I wanted to give her a standing ovation.

Neil and Sophie have some sexy times in his office, and then she has a complete emotional meltdown. I was super surprised at first, but it's explained very well and makes perfect sense. It's believable that any woman in that situation would probably freak out. Neil is so understanding and feels terrible about it, they talk about it and he gives her the rest of the day off, wanting to talk later after work. He doesn't pressure her into anything.

Deja shows some great colours in the next scene, where Sophie tells her she's not feeling well and she's going home. Deja's curious about Neil and Sophie's private life, and admits her suspicions. When Sophie shoots them down, Deja recovers so adorably, admitting she was 'off-sides' and asking to start over.

That night, there are more apologies, and lots of information about what Neil can offer Sophie sexually. Also, they eat Chinese food, and Sophie pats her 'slightly rounder' stomach after eating and says "I hope you like a woman with a potbelly.". This makes me so happy, and I know my dear readers are probably so sick of seeing me write the word 'believable', but I can't help it. Sophie is such a relatable character, and this scene is one-of-a-kind to me. It's so natural, them sharing some food and her being full and joking about her 'potbelly'. He replies "I like you. Any way I might have you." and it just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. There are no weight insecurities or body type snarkiness in this book, and it makes me happy as a beagle with a poop-cicle.

Chapter ten brings more hot sex. Like spanking and 'yes sir' kind of sex. And Neil's reveal! Tee hee, that rhymes.

All in all, up to this point, I'm severely loving this book. And you should too. Click here to read Abigail Barnette's sexy masterpiece!

Also, if you're into sexy short stories, she's also released Sex, Lies, and Inventions. If you like steampunk, hot sex, and suspense, definitely check this out!

Till next time! ;)



I just read an article on buzzfeed about how adorable red pandas are. They are the cutest fucking animal ever. :) I'm blogging from my phone right now and I have no idea how to link to the article, so look it up yourself. ^_^' Anyway there's some kind of competition between the elephant and the red panda over who is going to be the next 'Big Animal'. As much as I love elephants, and who doesn't, between these two I'm totally voting for he red panda. Cutest animal ever! Seriously look them up on YouTube. You'll die in a pit of squees.

So I've gotten some funny and cute texts and Facebook messages pertaining to last night's blog post, because I'm a space case. :) I feel it's necessary to clarify that my pseudo-philosophical ramblings about life throwing crazy shit around is because I'm bouncing around like a schoolgirl. I said that these life altering events seem to happen to me a lot, but not like this one. :) I'm not one to broadcast my personal life all over everyone's news feed, so I'll make this mysterious but clear. I'm happier than I've ever been in my life. Like, totally evar. Hence the tralalalala-ing. :) Because sometimes life has a big ol' ice pick to chip away the fortress around your heart.

Life is so fucking good. :)

The would make a great shirt. Complete with the smiley.

\gay rant about my gayness

P.S. I tweeted 'brown belt' on Friday night, because I was drunk and everyone was high giving each other and I got caught up in the moment. Wait, that doesn't sound right either. Bottom line (haha, bottom) I shouldn't be tweeting from the bar. But (haha) I do it anyway. That is all.


Peter Piper and the Pickled Peckers

Life is definitely not a boring thing. We're made up of our experiences, knowledge we gather, emotions we feel, and how we treat people. Sometimes life lessons will smack you in the face so hard you take a tumble, and when you get back up, the world looks a little differently. Whether it looks better or worse, this happens to me all the time. Sometimes it just takes one moment, a minuscule little happening, to make your blood run cold and your heart stop. It's amazing how the human body physically reacts to even the tiniest of instances.

Sometimes it feels like the day drags on, like you're trudging through mud to get anywhere and time is running backwards. Sometimes you're light as a feather and the day flies by in an instant. And sometimes all it takes is one word, sentence, or facial expression to completely turn it around. Some life events take time, and the buildup is a flurry of emotion and preparation. And some events just happen at the drop of a hat and you're forced to deal with it before the shock even wears off.

These things happen to me all the time. I've joked in the past about how I've had fifty midlife crises already and I haven't even reached midlife (hopefully). Some I orchestrated, some were beyond my control, but life is always a rollercoaster and you never know where the tracks are going to take you.

For the record, yes, I'm babbling. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of bliss for me, and I'm learning things about myself that I never knew existed. It's enlightening, and inspiring, and beautiful. My thoughts have been all a-jumble and I've been furiously making notes like a busy little bee for all kind of writing avenues that I'd like to explore. But I haven't been able to put pen to paper (or hand to keyboard) and create paragraphs that make sense.

As you can see from the above ramblings, my head is all over the place. I'm exploring so many little nooks and crannies inside of myself that I can't even stay on track. :) You should see my notebooks and the emails I've been sending myself from my phone. When I can actually put all of my thoughts in order, the internet is going to see some serious shit.

I just dug a bunch of hair out of my shower drain (I use a glove to do this, because ew, guys) and realized that I needed to write a blog post. Like, right then. Don't worry, I took the glove off first. And I decided not to reference any notes, and just write what came to mind. I have things that will be coming soon, like a new Boss review (we're up to chapter 10 now, and it's so steamy... you don't even know), a series of posts that I'd like to start that will span 26 posts, more hilariously ridiculous erotic fanfiction, and a side blog for a series of short stories. The short stories won't start until VIVID 2 is done, which is like totally late.

I know I said March 1st, but I've found that when I set deadlines for myself, I panic and then I can't write because I put too much pressure on myself. And then I force myself to write, and it comes out like shit. Absolute shit. I should have known better than to do that. The other reason (excuse? Shaddap!) is because I changed my character for the cover, and now I'm going to have to pick a new model. I just realized I'm an idiot and the perfect one is totally visiting right now... hang on I have to text her.

Ok, I'm back. I've decided to put one of the secondary characters on the cover, and save Moxie (the main character) for the fifth and final book of the series, because it just feels more right that way. I put the mainest (that's a word now, fuck you spellcheck) secondary character on the first one, so I'm going to do that for all of them up to the last, which will feature Moxie for the end of her story. So the beautiful Ashley won't be debuting her rockin' modeling career until then. Unless she comes to one of my shoots. Hint, hint!

Squee! Marissa texted me back and she's agreed to do the shoot. My personal favourite character in Vivid 2, Kharma, will have a face. :)

It is taking me forever to write this. ^_^' I'm all over the place, but I feel like I got a little more structured in the last couple of paragraphs. I should probably quit while I'm ahead. Next post will be a Boss review, so with that theme in mind, I will hopefully stay on track.

Tra la la la la! Happy Spring everyone!